This little one was to look a bit bug like. I debated on adding hair but didn't in the end. It just seemed to much and I liked the little antenna's showing. It was to represent Nature and Tranquility...the little bells tinkle in the wind.
This one is to represent Davy Jones of the Monkee's. My partner liked the Monkee's and said she had never received a Dotee of the Monkee's but she puts it on her questionnaire in hopes. I was determined to get her a Monkee Dotee! I used felt for the hair and beads say The Monkee's, Davy Jones and I'm a Believer. The guitar was made with Shrinky Dinks.
This was a fun easy swap to do. Dotee's are super fun to make and pretty easy and you can run wild with the creativity.
Oh my goodness!! They are both great but the Monkees Dotee is epic! Too cool. I'm sure your partners were thrilled.